
Terms and conditions



Information about us

The website (the "Website") is operated and operated by European Independent Purchasing Company Limited trading under the abbreviation IPC EMEA ("IPC EMEA") whose registered office is at Rapid House, 40 Oxford Road, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, HP11 2EE , England and is registered in England and Wales under company number 04267249.

IPC EMEA is a company limited by guarantee whose object is to act as an agent on behalf of its members to source and secure goods and services to be used by its members in their businesses. Each of IPC EMEA’s members carry on the business of running a Subway® franchise (“Subway® Store”) in the United Kingdom and in Europe having entered into a franchise agreement with Subway® International B.V (“Subway® Franchise Owner”).

IPC EMEA operates and manages the Website to benefit and be used by its members in managing their recruitment needs in their Subway® Stores by allowing its members to post job vacancies and for job seekers to search for and apply for the job vacancies (“Permitted Purpose”).

In these terms and conditions (“Terms and Conditions”), IPC EMEA will be referred to as “We”, “Us”, or “Our”, and users of the Website will be referred to as “You”, “Your”, or “Yours”.

About Our Terms and Conditions

These Terms and Conditions govern Your use of the Website.

Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully before continuing to use the Website.  Your access, browsing and use of the Website indicates Your understanding of and Your agreement to be bound by these Terms and Conditions and constitutes a binding contract between You and Us.  If You do not agree to these Terms and Conditions, please stop using the Website immediately.

Purpose and Use of the Website

The Website provides job vacancy information for various positions at various Subway® Stores (“Subway® Job Vacancies”)

The Subway® Franchise Owner is responsible for creating and posting Subway® Job Vacancies on the Website which We have no control over.

Each Subway® Store is independently owned and operated by the Subway® Franchise Owner who is responsible for establishing its own recruitment and employment procedures and practices in line with local laws. IPC EMEA does not control, educate, train or inform the hiring Subway® Franchise Owner about hiring processes and practices they should conduct.  All hiring decisions are made in the separate and independent discretion of the Subway® Franchise Owner.


This Website is for a general audience that is not designed or intended to collect personal information from children below the minimum employment age in each country where the Subway® Job Vacancies exist.  IPC EMEA does not knowingly collect personal information from anyone below the minimum employment age.

If You believe a child has provided Us with personal information, please contact Our Support Desk at 

The Recruitment Process

The Website allows You to register with the Website in order to post and recruit for Subway® Job Vacancies, or to search for and apply to one or more Subway® Job Vacancies.

If You are using the Website to search for Subway® Job Vacancies, once You have registered Your interest You will complete an employment application form and submit the completed application together with your CV and any supporting documentation(“Application”). Once You have submitted Your Application the Subway® Franchise Owner will be notified that an application has been submitted for their Subway® Store.  Depending on the vacancy You may be asked to complete a questionnaire (“Job Assessment Questionnaire”) as part of the application process.

If You are a Subway® Franchise Owner who wishes to use the Website to post and recruit for Subway® Job Vacancies, once We have created an account for You on the Website, You will receive an email with Your login details to enable You to access and post Subway® Job Vacancies on the Website. You will be required to accept these Terms and Conditions in order to access the Website.

The Website has a generic search feature (“CV Search”) available for all Subway® Franchise Owners to use. The CV Search feature allows all Subway® Franchise Owners to view all job seekers who have registered with the Website and who have set their account settings to ‘Available to Work’. By setting Your account to ‘Available to Work’ Your CV will be available to view on the CV Search by all Subway® Franchise Owners. You have control over whether Your details can be accessible through the CV Search feature.

If You create an account on the Website You are responsible for ensuring that Your login details are secure and that You do not share them with anyone else. You are responsible if someone else uses Your login details to gain access to the Website.

By using the Website You confirm You are the minimum legal employment age required for the country in which You are applying to work.

You acknowledge and understand that We have no control over the content of the Subway® Job Vacancies or any conditions the Subway® Franchise Owner may impose once You have applied for the job vacancy.

By creating and submitting Your Application through the Website You are requesting and authorising Us to make Your CV and all information contained in Your Application  available to the Subway® Franchise Owner and, if You have set Your account setting to ‘Available to Work’, also available in the CV Search function of the Website.

We cannot confirm the accuracy or completeness of Subway® Job Vacancies or other information submitted by a Subway® Franchise Owner. Once You apply for a job vacancy We don’t have control over the Subway® Franchise Owner’s use or disclosure of Your data. If You want the Subway® Franchise Owner to delete, modify or maintain confidence over any information You have disclosed You must make a request directly to the Subway® Franchise Owner. The Subway® Franchise Owner has separate and distinct rights and obligations to job seekers regarding the information they access from the Website.

If You are a Subway® Franchise Owner You will be acting as data controller of the information You access via the Website which has been submitted by candidates who are using the Website to search for and apply for Subway® Job Vacancies . As data controller You will comply with your data privacy obligations as set out in the General Data Protection Regulations and local laws.

Use of the Information on the Website

Whilst We make all reasonable efforts to ensure the Website contains up to date, accurate and complete descriptions of the duties and responsibilities of the Subway® Job Vacancies, You should not assume that the Website is up to date and contains all the relevant information about employment with Subway® Stores. The employment information provided on the Website is a general overview and may not be applicable in every Subway® Store.

This Website is provided for Your personal use.  You are permitted to display the materials on the Website on a computer screen or smart phone screen and to download and print a hard copy for Your personal use. You may only use our Website for the Permitted Purpose. 

You may not use Our Website:

  • In any way that is unlawful or fraudulent, or has any unlawful or fraudulent purpose or effect;
  • For the purpose of harming or attempting to harm minors in any way;
  • To distribute, publish, transmit, modify, display or create derivate works from or exploit the contents of this Website in any way;
  • For commercial gain or for any purpose or in any manner that may give a false impression of IPC EMEA or any Subway® Store;
  • To upload and transmit data that is or could be deemed to be defamatory, offensive, obscene or otherwise unlawful, or which could be offensive or offensive to others or could affect or infringe the rights of any other person;
  • To transmit, or procure the sending of, any unsolicited or unauthorised advertising or promotional material or any other form of similar solicitation (spam);
  • To knowingly transmit any data, send or upload any material that contains viruses, trojan horses, worms, time-bombs, keystroke loggers, spyware, adware or any other harmful programs or similar computer code designed to adversely affect the operation of any computer software or hardware;
  • To share or link to the Website from any other website, intranet or extranet site without Our prior written consent;
  • To undertake any other actions which could affect or interrupt the Website or Our services; 
  • For any purpose other than the Permitted Purpose; or
  • To encourage others or allow others to do any of the above.

You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless IPC EMEA, Subway® and the selected Subway® Store(s) for any and all unauthorised uses You may make of any Material on this Website.

You acknowledge that any unauthorised use of the content of the Website could cause irreparable harm to IPC EMEA, Subway® and the selected Subway® Store(s) and that in the event of the unauthorised use, IPC EMEA, Subway® and the selected Subway® Store(s) shall be entitled to an injunction in addition to any other remedies available at law or in equity.

Suspension and termination

We will determine, in Our discretion, whether there has been a breach of these Terms and Conditions and in particular any breach by You of Your use of this Website and We may take such action as We deem appropriate which may result in Us taking all or any of the following actions:

  • Immediate, temporary or permanent withdrawal of Your right to use Our Website.
  • Immediate, temporary or permanent removal of any posting or material uploaded by You to Our Website.
  • Take legal action against You for damages, claims, losses, liabilities, costs and expenses on an indemnity basis (including, but not limited to, reasonable administrative and legal costs) resulting from the breach.
  • Disclose such information to law enforcement authorities as We reasonably feel is necessary.

We exclude all liability for actions taken by Us in response to breaches of these Terms and Conditions. 

Data Privacy & Security

Any personal data that You supply to Us when using this Website will be collected, stored and processed in accordance with Our Privacy Policy which forms part of these Terms and Conditions. 

If You have reason to believe that unauthorised access to the Website has been made using your log in details, You must promptly change your password.  Please contact immediately so that We can investigate the problem.  While such investigation is underway, We may need to suspend Your access to the Website.

While We try to make ensure the Website is secure, we cannot guarantee the security of any information that you supply to us and therefore we cannot guarantee that it will be kept confidential. Internet transmissions are never completely private or secure, there is a risk that messages or information that You send to us via the Website may be intercepted or possibly read by others.

We accept no liability for any transfer of information that You make to us and such transfers shall be at Your sole risk.


Information about cookies and how cookies are used on this Website can be found in Our Cookie Policy which forms part of these Terms and Conditions.

Intellectual Property

The Website and the information and materials (“Material”) contained in the Website or provided to You through the Website are protected by copyright, trademarks, domain names, design rights, database rights, patents and all other intellectual property rights of any kind whether or not they are registered or unregistered (anywhere in the world), and which are owned either directly by Us or by Our licensors.

Subway® marks and logos on this Website represent some of the marks and logos currently owned or controlled in the United States and/or in one or more other countries by Doctor’s Associates, Inc (“DAI”), the owner of the Subway® Restaurants System and the Subway® Group, and are used by IPC EMEA with permission granted by DAI.  Such Subway® marks and logos may not be reproduced, redistributed or otherwise used without the express written consent of DAI and nothing in these Terms and Conditions may be construed as granting You a licence or a right to do so unless with the express written consent of DAI.

You may not reproduce, redistribute or otherwise use any other Materials found on this Website without express written consent of IPC EMEA.  All rights are reserved

Nothing in these Terms and Conditions grants You any legal rights in the Website other than as necessary to enable You to access the Website for the Permitted Purpose.  

Hyperlinks and third party sites

The Website may contain hyperlinks or references to third party websites other than the Website. Any such hyperlinks or references are provided for your convenience only. We have no control over third party websites and accept no legal responsibility for any content, material or information contained in them. The display of any hyperlink and reference to any third party website does not mean that we endorse that third party’s website, products or services. Your use of a third party site may be governed by the terms and conditions of that third party site. You access third party websites solely at Your own risk.


We may monitor the activity and content of the Website and will take reasonable measures if We suspect that You are in breach of these Terms and Conditions, including temporarily blocking or terminating Your access to the Website, and/or notifying external authorities or regulators of Your activities.

Content and Availability of the Website

We do not warrant or represent that the content of the website or the materials provided or available to You on or through the Website are suitable for Your requirements, or that they are accurate, complete or current.

The Website is provided free of charge and while We try to make sure that the Website is accurate, up-to-date and free from bugs or viruses, We cannot promise that it will be. Furthermore, We cannot promise that the Website will be fit or suitable for any purpose. Any reliance that You may place on the information on the Website is at Your own risk. You should use Your own virus protection software.

We may suspend or terminate operation of the Website at any time as We see fit without any incurring any liability to You.

While We try to make sure that the Website is available for Your use, We do not promise that the Website is available at all times nor do We promise the uninterrupted use by You of the Website.

Disclaimer of liability and warranty

The contents of this Website are offered as a convenience to Subway® Franchise Owners to post their store vacancies and to a person seeking employment with a Subway® Store and are presented without any warranty whatsoever either express or implied.  We make no representations, express or implied, as to the fitness of any Subway® Store as an employer, as to the availability of employment with any Subway® Store, as to the content, accuracy or completeness of any Material, or as to the suitability of any job seeker as an employee.  We do not guarantee that any Application submitted through this Website will be viewed by the selected Subway® Stores, nor that the submission of an Application will result in communication from, an interview with or employment by the selected Subway® Stores.

This Website is provided solely as the platform through which Applications may be completed, submitted and notification of submissions delivered to Subway® Franchise Owners. All information about You will be processed in accordance with Our Privacy Policy.

This is not an employment website for careers at IPC EMEA.  We do not participate in the hiring process of Subway® Stores.  We do not receive a copy of any completed Application or Job Assessment Questionnaire or the results from such questionnaire.  Although We have access to the information You submit for technical maintenance and operational purposes (for example We may need access in order to resolve a technical defect on the Website), We confirm that IPC EMEA does not, and will not, review, assess, evaluate, comment on, consider, or in any other manner look at the information You provide on the Application or Job Assessment Questionnaire or the results from such questionnaire.

No information contained on the Website may be construed as legal, financial or other professional advice.  You should not rely on the information contained on the Website and should always seek professional advice

We disclaim all implied warranties and accept no liability (i) for the reliability, safety or stability of the Website (ii) for access to the Website being continuous and uninterrupted and/or (iii) for the Website being free of viruses.   The Website is provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis without warranty of any kind or liability of any kind.


We shall not be liable to You or any third party for any direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, special or consequential losses, damages, costs, claims or expenses,  of whatsoever kind (“Losses”) arising out of  or in connection with Your access and use of the Website, whether based on breach of contract, tort (including negligence), product liability or otherwise.  For the avoidance of doubt, We shall not be liable under any circumstances for loss of direct or indirect profit.

Nothing in these Terms and Conditions shall exclude or limit Our liability for death or personal injury caused by Our negligence or for fraud and fraudulent misrepresentation.

We shall have no liability to You for any breach of these Terms and Conditions caused by any event or circumstance beyond Our reasonable control including, but not limited to, government interventions, strikes, lock-outs or other industrial disputes; breakdown of systems or network access; or flood, fire, explosion or accident.


You agree to indemnify and hold Us and Our affiliates, officers, agents and other partners and employees, Subway® and any Subway® Store(s) harmless from and against any and all losses, liabilities, costs, claims or expenses (including reasonable legal fees) arising as a result of Your breach of these Terms and Conditions or out of or in connection with Your use of the Website.

Waiver Notification

A delay in or decision against the enforcement of any of Our rights that We may have under these Terms and Conditions does not constitute a waiver of Our rights and does not affect the rights We may have  to assert the same or any other right at any other time or against any other person.


If any provision contained in these Terms and Conditions is declared invalid or unenforceable by a court or competent authority, such offending provision shall be severed from these Terms and Conditions without affecting the validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions.


We reserve the right to change these Terms and Conditions at any time.  Any such changes will be effective from the time of posting the amended Terms and Conditions on the Website. Any material changes will be notified to you. Your continued access to or use of the Website is deemed to be Your acceptance of the amended Terms and Conditions.  We encourage You to review these Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy from time to time as they are legally binding.

Governing Law

These Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of England and Wales and are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.

Contact Us

If You are not satisfied or if You have a query about the Website, please send an email to the Support Desk at with Your complaint or query. When You make a complaint or have a query or You need any kind of assistance, the personal data that You voluntarily provide will be collected, processed and stored by Us in accordance with Our Privacy Policy.